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Department of Software Engineering

Welcome to department of software engineering, faculty of mathematics and mechanics.

The department of software engineering is one of the youngest departments of the faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics. It was formed in 1996 and stemmed out of the laboratory which bears the same name. One of the supervisors of this laboratory was academician A.P. Ershov.

A number of actual and important applied tasks were solved in the laboratory of software engineering, namely the following - development of the first USSR Ada and Algol-68 compilers, CASE tools, novel computer architectures. The approach to student’s training and the main scientific directions of department are defined by the laboratory’s successes of resolving science-intensive problems.

The department possesses substantial experience in the area of training of high-quality professionals. The basis of theoretical and practical training is formed by regular participation of students in a various educational scientific projects and summer schools. Moreover, students can voluntarily choose to do internships in the leading IT companies of Saint-Petersburg, and starting from the 3rd year they participate in the research activities of the department, laboratories of Information Technologies Institute of SPbSU and research laboratories of the biggest software development companies. During the studies, students acquire professional experience and become familiar with DBMS, program for the contemporary OS; they also participate in development of the network protocols and compilers. This approach results in the fact that graduated students of the department are always in demand as IT professionals and in particular abroad. For example, according to poll run by a newspaper Ъ-Санкт-Петербург (in russian) in 2008, which inquired representatives of IT industry, the department produces one of the most valued professionals in the city.

The chair is leading the tution of bachelors using 231000 “Software Engineering” and magisters using 09.04.04 “Software Engineering” educational programs. For bachelors, the most of the attention is placed to provide both fundamental mathematical education and practical skills on reliable software evelopment. For magisters, the goal is to continue education with more attention to fundamental knowledge in computer science and calculus and practical skills in software and research project management and analytics.

Also tuition of students is performed according to specialty 010503 “Mathematical provisioning and administration of information systems” and 010400 “Information technologies” (bachelors and masters). The department also runs post-graduate studies according to specialty 05.13.11 “Mathematical and software provisioning of computation machines, complexes, systems and computer networks”. The students of department acquire fundamental knowledge in the areas such as theory of translation, software engineering, real-time systems development in the field of communication systems.

Considerable fraction of chair courses correspond to the ACM Curricula recommendations.

• A journal “Системное программирование” (“Software engineering”, in Russian)
• Oops group
Information management research group
QReal group

Educational documents:
CC:SE2004 Computing Curricula: Software Engineering (pdf)
CC:CS2001 Computing Curricula: Computer Science (pdf)

Head of the department: full professor, Andrey N. Terekhov
Phone: +78124287109

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