Дорогие мат-меховцы!
Mentor Graphics – одна из двух крупнейших компаний в мире (вторая - Synopsys), поставляющих программное обеспечение для разработки кристаллов (как жестких, так и гибких). Когда-то Марк был одним из лидеров проекта GNU (см. его биографию ниже), доклад будет посвящен именно этой области.
Зав.кафедрой системного программирования А.Н.Терехов
Title: Engineering a Career in Open-Source
Abstract: As a Computer Scientist, you may be considering taking a job in industry. If you've enjoyed the academic atmosphere of sharing knowledge, and are interested in working on foundational technology (such as Linux, Android, GCC, Firefox, Hadoop, etc.) that form the basis of much of today's computing landscape, you might wish to pursue a career in open-source. This talk will cover techniques that you might use to develop your career as a software engineer and your reputation in the open-source community.
Bio: Mark Mitchell is the Director for Tools and Open-Source Operating Systems Products & Services with Mentor Graphics. He's been involved in open-source development since 1996, when he began contributing to the GNU C Compiler as a developer. Mark eventually became the C++ Front-End Maintainer for GCC, the Release Manager for GCC, and a member of the GCC Steering Committee. Along the way, he founded CodeSourcery, a company that sold products & services based on the GNU Toolchain and Eclipse IDE. CodeSourcery was acquired by Mentor Graphics in 2010. Mark has a A.B. in Computer Science from Harvard University and an M.Sc. in Computer Science from Stanford University. He tried to get a Ph.D. at Stanford, but failed -- but did learn a few things along the way.